
Riddle: The Castle

  • Category : Logic
  • Contributor : Kaitlyn
  • Rating: 3.46
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Can you solve this riddle?

Once upon a time, there was a round castle. In it lived a king, a queen, and a princess. Then one day the princess disappeared. There were 3 suspects. And one of them committed the crime. The suspects were the cook, the maid, and the newspaper reporter. The king questioned each of them. First he went to the maid. "Where were you when my princess was stolen?"he asked. "I was cleaning the corners," replied the maid. Then he went to the cook. "Where were you when my princess was stolen?" he asked. "I was preparing the dishes,"the cook replied. Then he went to the newspaper reporter. "Where were you when my princess was stolen?"he asked. "I was interviewing the queen," the newspaper reporter replied. Who committed the crime and why?


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