
Riddle: The Queen has Fallen

  • Category : What am I?
  • Contributor : Matthew
  • Rating: 3.28
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Can you solve this riddle?

In England, the Queen was with the Duke on her way to her throne. When trying to sit down on her throne she fell backwards. She was so embarrassed, she told the duke this: "Until you see me again you shall not tell anyone what happened to me." Back at his house, a lot of reporters heard a rumor about the Queen and went to see the Duke to find out what happened to her. But the Duke gave his word to the Queen not to reveal to anyone what happened to her. So all of the reporters gave up except one. He gave the Duke a lot of money and the Duke told the whole story. The next day, the angry Queen called the Duke and asked if he broke his promise and told the whole story. But the duke told her that he kept his word and followed her instructions. How can he say that he did keep his word?


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