
Riddle: Cross Country Trip

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 3.39
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Can you solve this riddle?

You are the bus driver driving across the country. You pick up 10 people and drop off 7 people at each stop. You get gas for $2.00 a gallon every 50 miles. There is traffic and you get held up for an hour. You get to the last stop when someone asks, "Can you take me across town?" The driver lets the person on along with 16 more. At the next stop, 15 people get off leaving 1 passenger. The driver takes her to her destination. He goes back home to the other side of the country paying $2.01 every 50 miles now. He gets home and sees that he used up A LOT of money. What color are the bus driver's eyes?


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