
Riddle: Old House

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 2.00
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Can you solve this riddle?

It's raning outside (with thunder and lightning and all that good stuff) so you can either go under a tree which can get struck by lightning or in the abandoned house accross the street (you choose house). You go in and see a ghost at the end of a hallway. You follow it. You come to a green door and a red door. Which do you choose? (let's say you chose red) You go through the red one and you see three pictures: The Screamer, The Mona Lesa and America. You chose The Screamer and you remove the picture. Now you walk down the hall and there's four doors: Green, red, blue and yellow. You choose blue. In the room there is a man in a chair. He says "I'm going to kill you. How do you want me to do it? Get shot or electric chair?" What do you choose?


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