
Riddle: What's For Lunch?

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 2.67
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Can you solve this riddle?

There was an Italian guy, a Mexican guy and a blonde American guy. They were all construction workers and they were all working on the same site. At lunch they all opened their lunches. The Italian had a plate of Spaghetti, the Mexican had an enchilada and the blonde had a bologna sandwich. They were all sick and tired of having the same thing everyday. So the Italian said, "If I eat another plate of Spaghetti I am going to jump off the Empire State Building." "Me too! If I eat another enchilada, I will jump off too!" agreed the Mexican. "Me Three! If I eat another bologna sandwich I will jump off also!" The next day, they all had the same thing and all jumped of the building and died. At their funeral, the italian wife said, "If he would have told me, I would have packed him something different!" " Me too!" Said the Mexican's wife. Then those two wives looked at the blonde's wife. What do you think she said?


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