
Riddle: D.R.

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 2.74
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Can you solve this riddle?

A doctor was leaving the hospital late at night when a guy with dark clothes on mugged him. The mugger told the doctor, "Hey doc, give me all your money." The doctor went to the police the next day. The police found two fugitives. They interviewed them both, not telling them that the person who was mugged was a doctor. The first guy was a street thug who sold drugs. The police asked the first guy where he was the previous night. The thug said, "Listen I didn't do nothin'. I didn't rape nobody, kill nobody, mug nobody, or sell drugs to anyone." The police asked the second guy the same question. He was he was a well known person who lived by the hospital. He responded, "I didn't mug no doctor." Who mugged the doctor?


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