
Riddle: The Fork In The Road

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 3.00
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Can you solve this riddle?

There was a guy who was trying to find his way to town to get gas. He has enough gas to get 8 miles. The people in the little house along the road tell him that at the fork there are two paths: one is 7 miles to town and the other is 20 miles to town and that at the fork live two girls. One lies all the time and the other never lies. He finally reachs the fork. He walks up to the house and one girl answers the door. He doesn't know which girl it is, if it's the one that lies or tell the truth. He can only ask her one question. What one question can he ask her to know which way he should go to make it to town without running out of gas?


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