
Riddle: What's the Moral?

  • Category : Misc
  • Contributor : Riddle Admin
  • Rating: 2.25
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Can you solve this riddle?

It was the first day of school and a little boy named Tim was going to pre-school. On the first day, his teacher said to the class, "Who can tell me where Joobalanga is on the map? How about you Tim?" And Tim said, "I don't know where Joobalonga is..." The teacher said, "WHAT?" and threw him out of class to the principal's office. When Tim got to the principal's office, the principal asked, "Why are you here on the first day of pre-school?" Tim replied, "I didn't know where Joobalonga was." Then the principal said, "WHAT?" and called his mom to pick him up. When his mom came to the school, she was really angry at the school because they kicked out a pre-schooler. Tim and his mom got into the car and were driving home when his mom asked, "Why on earth did you get kicked out of school?" and Tim answered, "All I said was that I didn't know where Joobalonga was on the map..." Then his mom said, "WHAT?" and kicked Tim out of the car and into the street. Tim was very sad and didn't know where to go so he just walked along the crosswalk. On his way, he met a police officer. The police officer said, "Why aren't you in school or at home little boy?" and Tim said, "Well, I got kicked out of everywhere because I didn't know where Joobalonga was." The police officer said, "WHAT?" and threw Tim across the street. Tim picked himself up and happened to look up when he saw a sign that said "JOOBALONGA." Now he got really excited and ran across the street to go see Joobalonga when a speeding car ran over him. Now....what's the moral of the story?


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